Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Hypocrite, Terrorist, Devil & Pig: Anthony Campbell Killed in Afghanistan: Strike 1 Up for the Taliban

"Strike one up for the Taliban," says Cincinnati Black Foot Soldier Seymour Neville. "Anthony Campbell was a hypocrite, a terrorist, a devil and a pig."

Campbell, a thirty five year old white male who worked for the racist Cincinnati Police regime, was killed while serving in the U.S. military in Afghanistan.

"We must remember that the United States' war in Afghanistan is one that resulted from the terroristic economic policies inflicted upon the people of other nations by America," Neville says. "The economic discriminations we as blacks and other minorities experience and experienced at the hands of whites, the citizens in less developed nations were and are experiencing too. The same racist terrorism Campbell practiced on the streets against us as a policeman, he practiced against the citizens in Afghanistan."

Neville says that anyone who mourns for Campbell, embraces the same reprobate values he embraced and should be considered a terrorist and a racist.


  1. shittycop - I applaud your spirit, unlock so many of these self-hating, treacherous, turncoat, bennidict-arnold negroes. It really is the definition of stupidity for any native Black person in the U.S. to uphold and respect this country when it HAS NEVER RESPECTED MUCH LESS UPHELD ANY BLACK PERSON OR WHAT WE BELIEVE IN.

    The entire Iraq/Afghanistan situation is not a God-damned thing but those terrorists wanting to rule and control the world. I was so fuckin nauseated when I caught the news and seein the terrorist talk about how they fight for "democracy and freedom" around the world - and why didn't any of the Blacks in his cabinet stand up and say anything? Like, "HOW DARE YOU, YOU BLOODY, SINFUL, LYIN-ASS FUCKIN SWINE!! YOU "PEOPLE" ARE THE VERY ANTI-THESIS OF DEMOCRACY AND THE VERY DEFINITION OF TYRANNY!!"

    Anyway, I'll reserve my personal judgment on these cops that were killed because I in fact do know some who do not stand for racism and they are in fact friends of justice. But I damn sure know that a great many of them join the police around the sole purpose of being able to kill/maim Blacks, so with such a mindset, I say "may a hard and bloody justice meet you sooner rather than later."

  2. ThrowUpBrat,
    I applaud your spirit and passion as well!

    You said: The entire Iraq/Afghanistan situation is not a God-damned thing but those terrorists wanting to rule and control the world. I was so fuckin nauseated when I caught the news and seein the terrorist talk about how they fight for "democracy and freedom" around the world - and why didn't any of the Blacks in his cabinet stand up and say anything? Like, "HOW DARE YOU, YOU BLOODY, SINFUL, LYIN-ASS FUCKIN SWINE!! YOU "PEOPLE" ARE THE VERY ANTI-THESIS OF DEMOCRACY AND THE VERY DEFINITION OF TYRANNY!!"

    ****4Star**** comment! 2Thumbs-Up! Most certainly comment of the year!

    Yes, there are some who are in fact friends of justice.... .

    Creaux Steele

  3. Seymour Neville appears not to have known the man of whom he writes. His comments surely betray his ignorance of the TSgt Anthony Campbell was; possibly a greater ignorance still.

  4. Bess,
    We can look at the things Anthony represented himself with e.g. the United States Airforce & the Cincinnati Police Department and know the kind of racist terrorist he was. You, no doubt, find him noble b/c you embrace the same reprobate values he held.

    It's a pity you couldn't have been there with him.

    Creaux Steele

  5. shittycop-

    I will keep watch and support this blog because those terrorists literally are fighting to control the world. Those "people" are EVIL - and unfortunately a great many Blacks in this country are in league with them. They will support and uphold them and their gov't regardless of how much Blacks are maligned, ignored, terrorized and discriminated against in this terrorist white regime.

    Believe that. Conscience, morality and common sense always. The news media, whom I've tried to contact repeatedly to discuss racial issues (only to be ignored) steadfastly bar and lock-out Blacks who speak plainly and rationally about this regime. It really is a God-damned shame and a crime to God and creation.

  6. buy a plane ticket to africa. $800. GTFO.

  7. Who the hell are you ignorant idiots?!!! Tony Campbell was a hero. You don’t even deserve to call yourselves Americans. Get out of my country. You are the damn terrorists!!

  8. Anonymous,
    Tony Campbell was a Western racist & terrorist. You defend his degenerate values because you embrace them too.

    ShittyCop publisher,
    Creaux Steele
