Wednesday, December 21, 2011

(BREAKING) "Praise God:" Racist Aiken City Police Regime Terror-ist Scotty Richardson DEAD! "Fuck State commissioned racial ter-rorist Scotty Richardson & those who love him. While he present-ed himself as a representative of the law in your communities he was a typical white devil in ours. Praise God he is dead," Aiken County Black Foot Soldiers; Street Penitentiary Styled, Citywide "Fuck Officer Scotty Richardson Funeral Protest Party" Planned

 Aiken County Black Foot Soldiers have issued a statement encouraging blacks across the county to disrespect the funeral of racist Aiken City police regime terrorist Scotty Richardson in any way they can and praising nineteen year old Stephon Morrell Carter for what is being described as a courageous stand against white police terror. Soldiers are also reportedly calling for Carter's immediate release. 

"Fuck racist Aiken City police regime terrorist Scotty Richardson. He did not represent the law. "
- Aiken County Black Foot Soldier Ephreim Pope
"We want our brothers to disrespect Aiken City, Aiken police and Aiken whites on the day of his funeral as a united show of condemnation for the hypocrisy and racism so called officer Scotty Richardson presented our community with and as a testimony of or contempt for whites who dare to don badges and wear guns and call themselves representatives of justice.

"Fuck racist Aiken City police regime terrorist Scotty Richardson. He did not represent the law. He represented white police terror. We are happy and relieved he is dead."
- Aiken County Black Foot Soldier Ephreim Pope


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Racist Lakeland Police Regime Terror Chief Lisa Womack Con-demned, "Fuck the bitch. She can't stop the boats & planes bring drugs into our communities but can find the niggas on the street corners smoking & selling. Kyle Williams is a victim of this State & Country's racist fake war on drugs. We demand his immediate release into our custody & our rights to, in the intentional failure of America to protect us from cocaine, to medicate our people who have been victimized & are addicted to it. Fuck America's genocidal attack against us, fuck her hypocritical laws & fuck the so called cops who uphold them" - Polk County Black Foot Soldiers


(BREAKING) Poor White Trash Devil Alan J. Sylte Jr Critically Wounds Racist Lake City Police Regime Terrorist Shawn Schneider & Commits Suicide After Savage Wife Stomping , Minnesota, Black Foot Soldiers Issue Statement Hoping Worst for Schneider

Remember: 1-4 Whites Having Sex W/Animal, Committing Child Molestation Or Incest W/Family - Glax Haas Psychologist Dr.Louis Sidney Jacobs, " Savage Caucasus Mountains Behavior Alive."

Did you know that there is a relationship between the often perversely violent psychotic episodes most often demonstrated by white people and days with sharp surges in ground level ultraviolet light radiation and that white on black racial attacks surge on these days too? Infact,  a new study released by the Glax Haas Institute reports that when ultraviolet light surges in cities with already high ground level ozone black people are more likely to be discriminated against by whites and, too, that whites are more likely to have uncontrollable psychotic episodes that most often result in the mass killings of their families, neighbors, friends, co-workers, random others and or people of other races.

On the week when Stephen Kazmierzcak shot and killed numerous people on the campus of Northern Illinois, according to Glax-Haas data, Dekalb and surrounding cities, such as Chicago, were experiencing sharp surges in ground level Ultraviolet light.
Increased amounts of Ultraviolet light were also present on the day Houston mother Andrea Yates smothered her five children another report finds.
“On days with sharp surges in ultraviolet light, white people are more inclined to molest, harm and murder their children, go on shooting sprees that often take the lives of many, indulge in road rage and commit acts of racial violene,” says Glax-Haas researcher Dr. Louis Sidney Jacobs. “It is a slow mental deterioration that can reach a violent, disturbing and perverted climax on a day with a sharp surge in ultraviolet light. We can expect that there will be (another) day when white people wont’ be able to control their behavior at all.”

(SEE) The Allison Gough Melanoma Execution: Will Middletown Yakub Muslim Press Ultraviolet Light Burning Of Narcissistic Girl Who Had "Everything Going For Her – Good Looks,Lots Of (White) Friends & A Full, Active (Racist & Selfish) Life (Following In The Path Of Her Conscienceless & Morally Degenerate Forefathers)?"

See: Devil Kills Pig (Archives)!

Monday, December 19, 2011

(BREAKING) "First Keep Drugs Out Our Communities, BITCH! Fuck Chatham County Narcotic Team Racial Terrorist Roy Harris!" Savannah & Chatham County Black Foot Soldiers Condemn State & America's "Fake, Genocidal & Hypocritical" Drug War

Racist East Washington Borough Police Regime Terrorist John David Dryer GETS IT IN HEAD, by White Trash Psychopath Eli Franklin Myers in DEVIL KILLS PIG "Wild, Wild West" SHOOTOUT! "The death of this State commissioned racial terrorist is a blessing for the blacks in this state," Allegheny County Black Foot Soldiers; (PLUS) "And it’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” Was Obama's statement prophetic?

“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And it’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Alleghaney County Black Foot Soldiers have reportedly issued a statement calling President Obama's controversial quote concerning predominantly white small town Pennsylvanians bitter "prophetic" and claiming blacks throughout the state are safer with racist East Washington Borough police regime terrorist John David Dryer dead. 

See: Racist Beaver County Police Regime Terrorist Andrew Snarey Crash (UPDATE)! Were Andrew, Dad, Jeffrey & Todd Sacrificing Small Animals: Ritualistic Devil Worship in Allegheny Forest? Plus SEE: Racist American Flag Colored Bow Pinning 4 Year Old Evil Niece Hair; Evil in West Pennsylvania Townships EXPOSED: Are thousands of inbred whites clinging to guns & Devil worship too?

"We must always be thankful when one of these State commissioned racial terrorists eats the just deserts of their hypocrisy. Our people must wake up to the realization that white people are not only racial terrorists, however, they are dangerous psychopaths. When we review their history and couple it with their contemporary behavior upon this planet, it becomes readily apparent that for the safety of the earth and humanity, they must be stripped of their human and civil rights."
Allegheny County Black Foot Soldier Stephen Girard

"Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen (FLASHBACK!) " GhettoBraggingRights Icon Jonathon Belton & The Devil's Trial For Sensational 2008 Protest Against Racist Oak Park Police Regime Terrorist Mason Samborski; Oak Park Black Foot Soldiers Condemn Trial & White Police Terrorism; NBFSN Demands Belton Released

“White police officers base their authority on their skin color,” outspoken Michigan Black Foot Soldier William Sullivan said. “This is clearly a case where our brother was racially profiled, apparently threatened and feared for his life. He had every right to defend himself against white police terrorism.”
“When you recognize white police as terrorists, you must conclude that those who give them authority are terrorists. When you reach that conclusion you understand that those who voted to put them in positions of power are terrorists. When you reach that conclusion, you must face the reality that all white people are terrorists and, ultimately, have one agenda: to continue to dominate and rule the world by oppression.” – National Black Foot Soldier Network
On the first day of the trial, Belton’s defense attorney demonstrated that in his apparent rush to continue to strip the then 16 year old of his rights, Samborski pulled his gun from his holster and accidentally shot himself. The angle of the bullet going upward — when Belton, trying to get away, shoved his hand. Johnny never pulled any trigger of any kind, any place, anywhere

Thursday, December 15, 2011

DEVIL VS PIG SHOWDOWN! Racist Waterloo Police Regime Terrorist Stephen Brady Gets It In Eye: CRITICAL CONDITION! "Our people traveling & living in Dekalb County are safer with Brady no longer able to profile them," Allen County Black Foot Soldiers plan anti recovery vigil for State commissioned racial terrorist; "If he lives, our hope is he suffers from complete or partial blindness."

While he's being described by fellow Dekalb County whites as a "reliable" and "dedicated" police officer, Allen County Black Foot Soldiers have released a statement expressing blacks in Dekalb and neighboring counties are safer with racist Waterloo police regime terrorist Stephen Brady out of commission and, reportedly, are planning an anti recovery vigil against the State commissioned racial terrorist in hopes that reported shooting that now has him in critical condition might result in something greater... .


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Racist Brooklyn Police Regime Terrorist Peter Figoski GETS IT IN THE FACE 3 TIMES! Brooklyn Black Foot Soldiers Relieved "Devil In Pig's Clothing" Dead, "Let Us rejoice in the death of this racist hypocrite. His grave is certainly worthy to be pissed on." Soldiers Praise Lamont Pride Courage in Face of White Police Terror

Black Foot Soldiers from Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island are praising twenty seven year old Lamont Pride's stand against racist Brooklyn police regime terrorist Peter Figoski and issuing a united and joint message reminding brothers and sisters in each of the 5 boroughs that "they have the right to claim reparations from whites and the right to defend themselves against white police terrorism.

"There's no such thing as a white policeman. There are only white police terrorists. And any time one of these racial terrorists approaches you and you feel like your life is being threatened, you have the right to defend yourself."
- Manhattan Black Foot Soldier Caesar Stuyvesant 

"There's no such thing as a white policeman," Manhattan Black Foot Soldier Caesar Stuyvesant waged in a rally to support Lamont and condemn Figoski and his supporters. The rally was held near the Cypress Hill housing projects where the confrontation between Lamont and Figoski reportedly took place. "There are only white police terrorists. And any time one of these racial terrorists approaches you and you feel like your life is being threatened, you have the right to defend yourself! Tell Peter Figoski's family and supporters that he was only a hero and a police officer to them. To us he was a State commissioned racial terrorist threatening our people. We praise God brother Lamont Pride was strong enough and courageous enough to stand up against him and end his reign of racial terrorism."

Stuyvesant's words reportedly met cheers from the over 150 Soldiers and spectators assembled to show support. "Fuck Commissioner Raymond Kelly! Fuck Pat Lynch!" Many in the audience reportedly called out throughout the assembly.

Prosecutor Kenneth Taub reportedly said that Officer Figoski "was targeted for homicide because he was wearing the uniform of a New York City police officer," adding that Pride was the "muscle man" of the home robbery, in which Pride and his accomplices tried to rob a man they thought was a drug dealer.

"We must remember that the war we fight is that of people of the family of color versus whites and that black on black (BOB) crime, rather, when people of color attack and victimize people of color - that is the only unforgivable sin. While, under any circumstances, we will continue to denounce and condemn any and all BOB crime, you never know when God will call you to stand up fight against the true evil of the white man and his racial terror. So therefore ye are to always watch and pray," Brooklyn Black Foot Soldier King Davis is reported as saying.

King says Soldiers throughout all five boroughs are expected to celebrate and penitentiary protest Figoski's death on the day of his funeral.

Skyler Barbie Courageous Stand Against Racist Atchison Police Regime Terrorist David Enzbrenner Praised by Kansas Black Foot Soldiers; Soldiers Condemn Pig's Daughters, Wife & Local Whites for Hypocrisy: "Fuck David Enzbrenner & White Police Terror"

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Racist Atchison Police Regime Terrorist David Enzbrenner GOOD & DEAD; "State commissioned racial terrorist Enzbrenner's death is one less reason our people have to fear racial profiling in the northeastern area of the state," Kansas Black Foot Soldiers

"We recognize whites who wear badges, carry guns and call themselves the law as state commissioned racial terrorists," Los Angeles Black Foot Soldier Augustus Dubois is reported as saying. "Our communities and people are safer without them. 
See: Skyler Barbie Courageous Stand Against Racist Atchison Police Regime Terrorist David Enzbrenner Praised by Kansas Black Foot Soldiers; Soldiers Condemn Pig's Daughters, Wife & Local Whites for Hypocrisy: "Fuck David Enzbrenner & White Police Terror"
"Skyler gave his life protecting us from white police terror and white racial terrorism. David Enzbrenner was a hypocrite and not a representative of the law. Enzbrenner's family: wife and daughters embrace the same degenerate values he embraced. They are a family of generational race criminals and reparations offenders who all need to be thrown into prisons."
Kansas Black Foot Soldier  Isaac Brandon

Friday, December 9, 2011

(BREAKING) "BURN IN HELL, BITCH!" Comments by Wife of Racist Philadelphia Police Regime Terrorist Daniel Faulkner, Racial Ter-rorist Maureen Faulkner, Condemned; "The continued persecu-tion against brother Mumia Abu Jamal by the Faulkner family, his racist supporters & the racist United States terroristic police re-gime will be held against each of you in day of judgement & ven-geance is mine, thus sayeth the Lord," Philly Black Foot Soldiers

Philadelphia Black Foot Soldiers have, reportedly, issued a scathing condemnation against reparations offender and racial terrorist Maureen Faulkner.

Faulkner is the wife of racist Philadelphia police regime terrorist Daniel Faulkner. In 1991, Faulkner was allegedly gunned down by Black Foot Soldier resist white police icon Mumia Abu Jamal. The incident allegedly occurred after Faulkner racially profiled Jamal and threatened his life.

Jamal was wrongfully convicted of the 1981 murder of Faulkner and sentenced to death. Before his arrest, he was an activist and radio journalist who became President of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists. He was a member of the Black Panther Party until October 1970.

On Wednesday, the State announced it would cease to attempts to execute Jamal. The heroic icon now faces a life in prison. Faulkner

“My family and I have endured a three-decade ordeal at the hands of Mumia Abu-Jamal, his attorneys and his supporters, who in many cases never even took the time to educate themselves about the case before lending their names, giving their support and advocating for his freedom,” Maureen Faulkner said. “All of this has taken an unimaginable physical, emotional and financial toll on each of us.” Faulkner's wife Maureen reportedly said about the decision.

Racist Virginia Tech Police Regime Terrorist Deriek W. Crouse DEAD! "Any blacks who encountered this devil dressed in pig's clothing needn't be in fear of any subjective racial terrorism he might have inflicted anymore. We are happy he is dead," Virginia Black Foot Soldiers Statement on 2011 Virginia Tech Shooting

According to Virginia Black Foot Soldier contacts, the State's leading and most controversial Soldier, Anthony "Norfolk" Crawford, has issued a statement condemning the State's over 5,000,000 whites as "unrepentant reparations offenders who are worthy of the sentence due each" and calling the killing of racist Virginia Tech police regime terrorist Deriek Crouse a "blessing for blacks for the few blacks in Montgomery County and blacks all throughout the State of Virginia."

 "Fuck racist Va. Tech police regime terror-ist Deriek Crouse. We happy you dead." 


"We welcome the death of this State commissioned racial terrorist who opposed our rightful claims to reparations and who supported white America's historic racial and economic terrorism against people of color all across the globe. Our people, the family of the people of color, are better off without this self deluded hypocrite masquerading as a representative of the law. Fuck racist Virginia Tech police regime terrorist Deriek Crouse. We happy you dead."

Reportedly, a father of five, while many Virginia Soldiers believe Crouse's children are better off without him, they simultaneously believe his absence won't make them worthy of human or civil rights because, they fear, they are already completely contaminated with 'traditional white American values."

"There is nothing that can be done with white children, youth and adults  who are contaminated with traditional white American values. They are worthless to humanity and the earth. This is the light Crouse's children, family and those who support him must be seen in." Crawford is reported as saying.

Crouse, who reportedly had also served with the racist US military terror regime and also with the racially terroristic Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, had devoted his life to hypocrisy, warmongering and white racism.

Undoubtedly, his children will only grow to become dangerous racial terrorists. Although we would certainly never wish for the same violence that befell their piggish to befall them, would the world be a better place without them?"

Virginia Black Foot Solider Anthony "Norfolk" Crawford