Tuesday, December 20, 2011

(BREAKING) Poor White Trash Devil Alan J. Sylte Jr Critically Wounds Racist Lake City Police Regime Terrorist Shawn Schneider & Commits Suicide After Savage Wife Stomping , Minnesota, Black Foot Soldiers Issue Statement Hoping Worst for Schneider

Remember: 1-4 Whites Having Sex W/Animal, Committing Child Molestation Or Incest W/Family - Glax Haas Psychologist Dr.Louis Sidney Jacobs, " Savage Caucasus Mountains Behavior Alive."

Did you know that there is a relationship between the often perversely violent psychotic episodes most often demonstrated by white people and days with sharp surges in ground level ultraviolet light radiation and that white on black racial attacks surge on these days too? Infact,  a new study released by the Glax Haas Institute reports that when ultraviolet light surges in cities with already high ground level ozone black people are more likely to be discriminated against by whites and, too, that whites are more likely to have uncontrollable psychotic episodes that most often result in the mass killings of their families, neighbors, friends, co-workers, random others and or people of other races.

On the week when Stephen Kazmierzcak shot and killed numerous people on the campus of Northern Illinois, according to Glax-Haas data, Dekalb and surrounding cities, such as Chicago, were experiencing sharp surges in ground level Ultraviolet light.
Increased amounts of Ultraviolet light were also present on the day Houston mother Andrea Yates smothered her five children another report finds.
“On days with sharp surges in ultraviolet light, white people are more inclined to molest, harm and murder their children, go on shooting sprees that often take the lives of many, indulge in road rage and commit acts of racial violene,” says Glax-Haas researcher Dr. Louis Sidney Jacobs. “It is a slow mental deterioration that can reach a violent, disturbing and perverted climax on a day with a sharp surge in ultraviolet light. We can expect that there will be (another) day when white people wont’ be able to control their behavior at all.”

(SEE) The Allison Gough Melanoma Execution: Will Middletown Yakub Muslim Press Ultraviolet Light Burning Of Narcissistic Girl Who Had "Everything Going For Her – Good Looks,Lots Of (White) Friends & A Full, Active (Racist & Selfish) Life (Following In The Path Of Her Conscienceless & Morally Degenerate Forefathers)?"

See: Devil Kills Pig (Archives)!


  1. Nonsense, where do you come from, What makes you think this man, Shawn is racist do you know this from some sort of experience... I DONT THINK SO! How dare you come, make such a foolish Statment, Im sorry that you feel discriminated Its personally shit like this that make others discriminate people like you! Hey how bout my thoughts I think you are lacking some cells im sorry you should try to have them fixxed! Why not blow them out! Why dont you go ahead and beg the the state for some more money, am i racistist enough or shall i go on. Some day hopefully someday people will get there heads outta there ass and relise YOUR NOT IMPORTANT.. We the people can live with out you what have you done for us take our goverments money. You are not needed here nor will ever be not what so ever so go crawl under the pile of shit you came out of! Andhave one horrible ass day

  2. – Black Revolutionary SpecialistDecember 20, 2011 at 2:23 AM

    All whites are racist. The act of having white skin is racist. It is an indicator that you have not benefited from the blood of our ancestors. And to top all that off you sit around thinking racist thoughts as if the “evolved” new age Black cannot listen. You albino genetic mutations should voluntarily wipe yourselves out and save us the effort.”

  3. Nonsense, where do you come from, What makes you think this man, Shawn is racist do you know this from some sort of experience... I DONT THINK SO! How dare you come, make such a foolish Statment, Im sorry that you feel discriminated Its personally shit like this that make others discriminate people like you! Hey how bout my thoughts I think you are lacking some cells im sorry you should try to have them fixxed! Why not blow them out! Why dont you go ahead and beg the the state for some more money, am i racistist enough or shall i go on. Some day hopefully someday people will get there heads outta there ass and relise YOUR NOT IMPORTANT.. We the people can live with out you what have you done for us take our goverments money. You are not needed here nor will ever be not what so ever so go crawl under the pile of shit you came out of! Andhave one horrible ass day

    Hopefully one day you'll understand the difference between "your" and "you're" and know how to spell "realize."

  4. Reds, yellows, blacks and whites alike can be racist!
    One true fact, when cut, all colors bleed the same!
    There is no justification in any words here.
    It's simple... love one another!


  6. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion... I just wish people wouldn't throw it into the world as factual information... for not all "whites" are racist... as a matter of fact defining people by the color of their skin is racist! I believe in God and with that belief I have learned that we are all human... nothing defines us... we are a whole we are a unit for we are the people of the world! May God enter your life and show you what it means to love one another as He loves us all! My color does not define me... I am excepting of everyone... the person themselves is what makes me either like them or dislike them... I do not hate anyone for people have a reason for the way they are... everything we have today is from people evolving and learning to work together! The past is the past and only we can change our present and future... I am slowly losing hope for the future when I see things like this... may God bless you today and always and may God help you to see the poison in your thought process... by the way take this as you wish for it is only my beliefs and opinions... which I am entitled to! I say we need to stand united and and fight this horrible fight together not against one another! May you also have a Merry Christmas surrounded by peace and love!

  7. Shawn is not a racist. From what I read, there's a lot of racists who post here. Using skin tone to spread hate. Bunch of ignorant fucks. Genetically, we all derived from Africa and everyone on earth can be linked to this one single man from Africa. Some of our ancestors stayed. Some migrated elsewhere and developed their own culture. As time went on, the cultures that left Africa became more advanced than the cultures that stayed. Thousands of years later. Some of these advanced cultures had the resources, and knowledge to build ships. Then took these ship back to Africa, purchased Africans, from other Africans, and were forced into slavery. Yes that is evil and horrible to think about. It happend, we can't change it. Not sorry, had nothing to do it. But if you want to be mad at someone. Blame your ancestors for not leaving Africa.
    Now if your a descendant of a slave you yourself. You have about a 5% chance of having no European ancestry. So you have about a 95% chance of being a so called DEVIL yourself.
    Better get a DNA TEST home girl. The sins of the father's a muthafukinbitch ain't it

  8. *chuckle* No matter your views on racism, you've done a great job proving good ol' stupidity cares not what your skin color is.

  9. How the heck do you get racist out of this??? The cop was white, the shooter was white, the girl was white....I guess maybe he is talking about the cop being racist against crime??? I mean really. God be on your side when someone holds a gun to your head and no police officer is there to help you and save your life! I live near the area this happens and the police officer is a person that has three children and a wife, donated time to help others, and for another fact...the shooter was not married it was his 17 year old girlfriend that broke up with him and he held her at gun point. Get your facts strait before you post hatred offenses! Someday you will be judged and you should keep that in mind!

  10. Anonymous is right. I'm sorry. No hard feelings, ok.

  11. Reds, yellows, blacks and whites alike can be racist! One true fact, when cut, all colors bleed the same! There is no justification in any words here.It's simple... love one another!

    Who do you champion in a fight: the bully or the bully's target? The hate that the bully's target has for his bully is not the same defiled hate the bully has for his victim. White people have been and continue to be a race of racially terrorist bullies. The hate the bully's target has for the bully is justified. You cannot say that it is wrong to hate an oppressor and until our reparations are paid, you and yours will still be considered racially terroristic oppressors who have proven they can't be trusted and don't know love.

  12. Well as a member of the unit the above soldier was a part of I see all you comments have been way out of the scope of what this actually is, its not a hate crime, its not racism, its not anything other than av unfortunate turn of events that could have b been changed had he reached out to someone. The officer who he shot is in my prayers and so is his family, as well as the shooter and his family. There is no racism here, whoever posted rhys retarded blog needs to understand what racism is, its not because of a shooting. Maybe shittycop was a victim of a hate crime or maybe he had a bad experience with a dog and that is why he thinks about bestiality, who knows

  13. Hey, if you hate white people so badly why don't you go join your ancestors back in Africa who are starving to death and raping each other and dying from malaria? They can't even read or find water that doesn't have their own shit floating in it. Slavery was fucked up, but if it weren't for slavery that's where you'd be. The "Devil" aka white people give you free food, free education, money, opportunity, free healthcare and anything else you put your hand out to receive without ever lifting a finger to work for. But you're right, white people are baaaad. I bet the people in Africa wouldn't even want your ass living in their country. NOBODY wants you. But YOU'RE WELCOME for providing you with anything and everything you demand. Ungrateful bastards will just keep reproducing and take over the planet unless they keep killing each other.

  14. The mutant who dressed in blue, carried a gun and dared to don a badge as though he represented the law was the state commissioned racial terrorist.

    Your friend, like yourself, was a reparations offender. That makes you racist.

    For me and the other community members, we can only be thankful no one reached out and supported Alan as he would have only continued to support the West's warmongering agenda to rule the world by economic and racial tyranny; and, he would have continued to oppose the rightful claim of our reparations.

    That he didn't have the decency or morals to go AWOL and continued to serve in the racially terroristic US military regime is just another reason for him to be despised. Oh, BTW, you too.

  15. @jihadamen

    Ohhh, I get it now. All white people are baaaad. For something our ancestors (whom we've never met, let alone even know existed) did long ago.... I'm sure you're related to someone who murdered someone or molested someone, etc. Therefore, you are a murderer and a molester, right? Isn't that how this works? Blame someone for something someone else did just because they may or may not have been related to them? What is the black agenda then? Repopulate at an animalistic rate, then abandon/beat/kill our children, engage in underage/unwed/unprotected sex to ensure the rapid spread of disease and high rate of single parents, promote violence against women/mothers/sisters, glorify drug and alcohol abuse rather than education/hard work/success, place blame on anyone and everyone else for our own failures despite the fact that we have ALL necessities handed to us, and demand more more more without instead earning anything ourselves? This is what your ancestors fought for? They're turning in their graves as we speak. But have fun running around calling everyone racist, when you yourself are the very epitome of racism. Makes perfect sense!

  16. Anonymous said...
    Muh dick mofugguh

    go fuck your dog and have group sex w/your parents again jealous bitch

  17. White Humans > blacks

  18. hahaha someone is upset about being a NIGGER

  19. Niggers are dusky savages.

  20. Is this a website for man spooners?

  21. I can't believe I site like this exists; so much hatred. How sad.

  22. This site is messed up. Just wrong.

  23. Lol you're a fucking moron. The best man in Shawn's wedding was black. Idiot.
